Journey Travel

Vineyards in Vienna

I remember having some of the best Austrian wines back home, so I did some research and found out that not too far away from Vienna’s city center, there are lot of vineyards situated over the Kahlenberg hill.

I took the U4 train from Karlsplatz to Heiligenstadt and then transferred to bus 38A. The bus ride was beautiful as we drove up the hill to Kahlenberg.

Just a short walk from the bus stop is the St. Joseph’s Church. You can only peak inside the church through the closed metal gates. It’s a quaint church on a hill top.

Across the church is the panoramic viewing lounge from where you can see the entire city of Vienna while sipping wine or having a gelato. I decided to have both. Why not!

Later, I followed the signs towards “Kahlenberger Straße” which led me into the woods and as I started walking down hill, the vineyards started popping up.

Most of them had their doors locked but “Mayer am Nussberg” winery had its door open, so I decided to have a glass of wine here. The seating area had the best view of the vineyards and it was so tranquil, except the loud mouth Americans nearby. 

I put on my headphones to listen to Mozart, Bach and Claude Debussy, to enjoy the view while sipping the white wine from this region. I had no idea how couple of hours flew by in the midst of nature.

Instead of taking the bus back to the train station, I decided to hike down the hill. On the way, I saw some beautiful houses, both old world and modern architecture style hugging each other. Must be so nice to live in the midst of the vineyards and woods around you.

I wondered, “Can I live full time on a hill surrounded by such a tranquil environment?” I suppose, I can spend a month in such an environment and find out. We shall see 🙂

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