Journey Lifestyle Travel

Roaring out loud with my three lioness

With flutters in my tummy, I was excited to be part of the Rainbow group. Each of us in the group come from various parts of the world – from UK, Scotland, US and Holland. We gelled with each other like a pea in a pod, so it was a natural fit for us to come together to teach a group Hatha yoga class this morning. When you have three lioness, like Charlie’s Angel, by your side, there is no way anything can wrong.

Kim led the energetic dharma talk meditation and warm up with her soothing and uplifting voice, guiding us to relax and energize as the rising sun that shines with its golden liquid. 

Then, it was my turn to lead the group into the classical Hatha sun salutations to warm the students as the cool wind blew into the shala. Followed by some grounded and focused Virabhadrasana 1 (Warrior 1) and Virabhadrasana 2 (Warrior 2) with Peaceful Warrior and Trikonasana. I chose the Warrior poses because they resonate a lot with my personal struggles in life – overcoming hatred from others, being bullied, self doubts and ego. With an energetic and fierce Warrior, it was time to get rooted into Mother Earth with the Tree pose. Did you know that this pose is not only a great hip opener but also invigorates your passion in life whether it be creative aspect or love life. Overall, it went smoothly with a minor hiccup as I forgot whether it was the left or right foot that comes first in one of the poses. I had never imagined in the past that I could teach a class of 15-20 students without using a microphone but I have surprised myself that I can do anything in life. It was surely the most uplifting and humble experience of my life to share the love with other yogis. 

Next, was Ally’s turn to do twists, inversions and some complicated poses. With her authoritative and guiding presence, she can make even the complex poses a peace of cake. That’s my Dear friend Ally. 

Nikki closed the practice with a juicy shoulder stand and crow pose, followed by Savanasana and an energetic AUM chanting. Her welcoming and friendly energy brought the whole practice to a perfect circle. 

The feedback from our examiner was very positive and constructive, which makes me feel very confident that I can continue to improve my yoga practice and spread the love by teaching others as well. 

I can’t believe how far I’ve come along in just few weeks. Yes, I did it! Well, not officially. I do have to pass the written exam next before I can say that I am a yoga teacher. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞 

I treated myself to a super relaxing Ayurvedic oil massage before meeting my lovely ladies for dinner and drinks. A hard days, or should I say weeks, of work deserved a celebration. It was a perfect night filled with laughter, love and, of course, some bantering moments as if we have known each other for ages.

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