Journey Travel

My first Camping experience in UK

I’m so excited to be back in London. A city I have been to so many times and it always keeps on amazes me. This time around it will be less sightseeing and more relax time since I have been on the go for the past few months. I just needed to clear my mind without any plans and go with the flow. Thanks to my dear friend Charu who opened her home to let me crash here while I figure things out. That’s what true friends are and I am truly blessed!

The day I arrived in London was too late to participate in the Pride Parade but I did get to see the streets filled with people having a hell lot of fun late night. Seeing Soho and the city all rainbowed out made me so happy to be in the midst of “Love is Love!”

After few days of relaxation, it was time to meet the locals, so I joined the Theatre meetup group to watch the show “Afterglow,” as part of the pride month, which was playing at Southwark Playhouse. I enjoyed the show, not only for it’s steamy stripped-down look at intimacy but also about love and commitment in the age of open relationships. After the show, few of us had some nice conversation over a glass of wine.

Next day, I reached out to my friend, Anna, who I met during my yoga teacher training and lives in London. She invited me to join her to the Noisily Festival which was happening the upcoming weekend. I was not sure if I wanted to go to the festival because it meant camping in the woods and it was way out of my comfort zone because apart from Glamping, I had never done full on camping. As soon as I confronted myself saying the words, “Out of my comfort zone,” I told Anna that I will be joining her. The main reason I was on this joyful venture was to get out of my comfort zone.

I took the train from London to Market Harborough station and then shared a taxi with other festival goers to the Noisily camping grounds. At the London St. Pancras International train station, I saw the sparkly pink flamingo sunglasses, so I grabbed them because a visit to a holistic, psychedelic and electronic music festival, needed some creative outfits and I had none on me. Atleast, the pink flamingo would be a good start.

When I got to the camping ground, Anna surprised me with a “Welcome Milesh” signage, and what was really awesome was that Anna and her friends had arranged everything for me, from the tent, sleeping bag, pillow, to the warm jumper, and even the minutest details, such as a chocolate bar on my pillow. I was deeply touched as everyone welcomed me with open arms into their close knit family and showered me with love, and, of course, lot of glitter.

My camping life at Noisily

Looking festive ~ thanks to Becca’s creative touches and Anna’s wardrobe.

Morning Yoga ~ the walk through the muddy and slippery woods because of last nights rain was so much worth the trouble. That’s what my mind and body needed.

Dancing and Having lots of fun

I am so glad that I decided to get out of my head, went to the festival and had a wonderful time. Above all, I have made friends for a lifetime.

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