Journey Lifestyle

Magical March

With no idea what I’m supposed to learn in March. I picked up my sketch book and realized that it has been a long time since I’ve drawn or painted anything. So, my heart wants me to immerse myself in the world of Creating Magic this month. 

I started my morning as usual with 15 mins of meditation using the new singing bowl I had purchased in Goa. I love it’s vibrational energy. I enjoyed an hour of practicing pranayama and asanas. I’ve been trying a new asana every day, which is making my yoga practice so much fun.

I’ve been reading the novel, “Palace of Illusions,” and each of these characters from the epic Mahabharata inspired me to capture their moments.

I imagine this is what Princess Draupadi aka Panchaali’s reaction might have been when she is told to be the wife of five Pandu brothers.

Queen Draupadi

Vyasa, the omniscient sage and composer of the Mahabharata, who also appears as one of the key characters in this story, and who had predicted that Panchaali will have five husbands and would cause a major war.

Sage Vyasa

Karna, the true love of Draupadi, but was the best friend of the rival, Duryodhan, and could never profess his love.

King Karna

So excited to be back in the creative mood and looking forward to a month of creating magic. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞

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