Journey Travel

Lovely Ladies of Berlin

The more I’m spending time in Berlin, I’ve realized that Berlin has warmed up to me. This multicultural city makes it so easy for one to live here but as I’m getting comfortable in Berlin by meeting really nice people, discovering cool neighborhoods to live in and the ease with which I can travel around the city, I’m also planning my next month move to a new city. 

It’s like going back to the drawing board and starting all over again. Finding the cheap airfare, an apartment for a month, figuring out what I want to learn, and finding time to meet my yogi friends from India somewhere in Europe. I have to get all of this squared up in few days so I can enjoy my next ten days in Berlin. 

I feel that the most I’m going to miss about my time in Berlin are the moments of connection with a lot of beautiful ladies. 

My friends, America, Vikky and Inbar, from the German language class with whom I did a fun photoshoot at the Rathaus, and we got to bond and learn a lot about each other.

Frida, the Kundalini Gong Meditation teacher, who helped me get rid of negative energy and inspired me to just go with the flow. 

Naciye, the owner of a cozy and elegantly designed Chocolateria Sünde in Kreuzberg, where it’s all about chocolate from yummy hot chocolates to desserts. I had met Naciye three years ago when I visited her cafe during the city cultural walk tour. We only had a brief conversation but I felt like visiting her again. I had no idea where the cafe was so I decided to backtrack my way from the Berlin Wall after my class. And finally, I found her cafe. We had some lovely conversations for hours and I could feel that we were going to be life long friends. I’m looking forward to visiting her cafe again. 

Then there is Rosa from Cafe Rosa, Ana from the drawing meetup, Milly from the cafe, and a lot more ……… 

I have no idea what I’ll do without these lovely ladies on my next adventure. I love their entrepreneurial spirit and authentic personalities. They inspire me to be my best self just like my lifelong friends in Chicago, San Francisco, London, Mumbai…. 

With them by my side, “Das Leben ist wunderschoen!” Life is beautiful!

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