Journey Travel

Lost in translation

I can’t believe that I’ve been in Berlin for nearly a month. It surely flew by so fast. I’m so glad that I signed up to learn German or else it might have been a bit boring experience. It was nice to spend 4 hours each day learning a new language and I also made some lifelong friends from the class. 

While I can only speak very basic German now, I tried my best but seems all my efforts were lost in translation when I visited my Berlin Barber. I asked him for a haircut trim and he gave me a buzz cut fade. There goes my photogenic look and I just have to embrace this new look until my hair grows back. Well, my friends ended up liking it because I look all fresh and super young. Or may be because I fit in so perfectly with all the Berlin men with similar hairstyle. In any case, I’ve to learn to embrace change and let go.

I decided to spend the last few days in Berlin by catching up with friends, keep on discovering neighborhoods I’ve not been to and enjoy every moment, even if it involves gaining few pounds because I just can’t resist a good Kuchen (cake). Few days ago, I and my friend Vicky, went on a hunt in Kreuzberg to find a good place for Kuchen and would not give up until we found one or even two 🙂 

Highlights of places around town ~ 

Brandenburg Tor (Gate) – Whenever I’m in Berlin, I make sure to visit Brandenburg Tor. Not only because it is iconic but it also brings back memories of my first visit to Berlin with my Ex and the only place we could find nearby that was open for a hot cup of tea on a public holiday was Starbucks. 

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe – This Memorial is a great reminder of how sinister humans can be. 

Memorial to Homosexuals persecuted under Nazis – From far it looks like a big block of stone but as you go near, you see a small glass window. Peak inside and you can see a short film of two men kissing. 

Tiergarten – What Central Park is to New York, Tiergarten is to Berlin. I enjoy spending time here, whether having a picnic or going on long walks through the gardens.

Philharmonie – I love the architecture of the Philharmonie building. Next time I have to make sure to come here to see a show. 

Friedrichshain – The area near the intersection of Hufelandstraße and Greifswalder is pretty cool. I had come here for a yoga class and ended up enjoying my stroll through the pebble street which is lined with cool cafes and boutiques. Of course, I had to visit the Red Room for lunch and, later, munch on the yummy Schokolade Passionfruit cake at Franz-Karl. To burn those calories, I ended up at Volkspark Friedrichshain, it was cool to see a juggler practicing his skill and friends having picnic in the park. I came across a statue which resembled Trumps infamous hairstyle. 

East Side Gallery – The Berlin Wall needs no explanation. I have to visit the wall every time I’m in Berlin, simply to admire the work of my favorite artist, Thierry Noir, who was the first artist to start painting the Berlin Wall. 

Mauerpark – Sunday’s in Mauerpark is a very fun experience on a sunny day. I was invited to join a group of friends, I met at a cafe. Mauerpark has a huge flea market and they have pretty cool stuff. Also, there is a whole section for food and drinks. We found a spot at the top of a hill to lay down, have a drink and just relax listening to myriad of musics being played in the park from drummers, rock, pop, … I enjoyed watching various local graffiti artist painting the wall behind us. 

Bröhan Museum for the Skandal Mythos Modern exhibit – My friend America invited me to join her for the Modern and Art Deco influence of Berlin in the international landscape which was initiated in 1899 by 11 artists who were known as VEREINIGUNG DER XI. It was a lovely experience seeing furniture, paintings and other modern pieces.

Berliner Dome – This landmark cathedral is a “must” visit and it is definitely worth spending €7 to go inside and climb nearly 200 steps to go all the way up the dome. The view of Berlin from this vantage point is simply spectacular. The canals, gardens, museums, and the drastic divide between East and West architecture makes one appreciate Berlin even more. I feel that closing the chapter to Berlin by being on the top was the best idea. And, yes Berlin is definitely on the top of my retirement list because it meets all of my top criteria’s – Affordability, Dating & Relationships, Culture & Diversity. 

Well, there is so much more I can write about Berlin from Alexanderplatz to the Museums but it can wait for my next visit. Thank you Berlin for being good to me. I wish miss you. Prost to seeing you again soon. XO 😘

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