Journey Lifestyle Travel

Life is Beautiful, Free Vienna

Who doesn’t love a “free” deal!

Well, I’ve to say that life is beautiful when you can have fun for free, and Vienna surely has lot of stuff to do without a dime. 

In Karlsplatz, outside the Wien State Opera House, you can watch the Opera live on a big screen. I decided to make it a Picnic at the Opera eve, so I grabbed a sandwich from the nearby cafe and was lucky to have found the first row seat. By the time the show started, the free public viewing area got jam packed. Since the Opera was in Deutsch, I opted to just watch the first half of the show. That was enough for me for one night. May be I’ll go again to watch another show some another day. 

In Rathausplatz, the film festival had recently started outside the city hall, so I decided to go there in the evening to watch one of the international movies. Didn’t matter if I understood it or not, just being there under the blue sky, was an experience in to itself. Also, you can take a free guided tour of the Rathaus at 1pm on Mon, Wed and Fri, which is what I have plan on doing on Friday since my class has been canceled.

Schönbrunn Palace  is usually on everyone’s “must see” Palais in Wien. The Palace is definitely beautiful from the outside but the gardens which are inspired by the gardens of Versailles, are it’s true treasure, and they are “free” to visit. On a sunny day, sitting in the shade while admiring the beauty of the gardens, palace and fountains has become my favorite pass time. 

Schwedenplatz – Danube River is another perfect place to chill on a hot day. Sitting under the shade of the bridge while the cool air swirls around you, is a welcome treat on a 94 degree day. I like to munch on nuts and chocolate while sipping on a chilly beverage, one of the best ways to enjoy the present moment and live in the now. It’s funny to see man-made tiny beach area by the river to lounge and have a beer.

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