Inspiration Journey Travel

Let me eat Ice Cream

What I have learned about being on this yoga learning journey within just a few days is that “Balance” is the key. It’s like having an ice cream. One scoop of ice cream feels like heaven. Two scoop might still feel good but it’s not the same as the first lick. The whole pint will just make you sick. Life is just like that ice cream. Too much of anything is not good for you. 

Talking about ice cream, made me want to have one now. You see, I have been eating the same kind of vegetarian meal every day for lunch and dinner, which is rice, daal, vegetable curry, and roti. I used the hot weather as an excuse to convince my new friend, Nikki, to join me on the hunt to find a place where we can have ice cream. 

Finally, we found a nice restaurant overlooking the ocean and I opted for the handmade delicious tahitian hazelnut ice cream. It was a perfect treat I was looking for. It made me feel good. I don’t believe in giving up things that I enjoy. Isn’t that what life is about? To enjoy every moment with balance and awareness. Having everything in moderation is the key (which I learned the hard way). 

The next day, I got carried away and had a mango lassi, carrot juice and milkshake. Well, not at the same time but during the entire day. Not a good idea but I was out with friends and didn’t want to say “no”. I paid it later with a bad stomach ache. This was the perfect lesson for me. One, to say “no” when my body and mind is signaling that enough is enough and, Second, to be aware, mindful and create the balance so that I don’t overdo anything that can cause me to go out of whack. 

Everyday I’m learning more about myself and coming up with simple ways or sayings that I can take back to the real world. 

My main struggle has been waking up early for the silent meditation. Today morning, I woke up when the alarm went on at 6am, but I was so close to going back to bed but before any thoughts made me give up, I told myself, “just put on your yoga clothes and see how you feel.” This helped me get out of bed and continue with my daily routine.

My new mantra for those moments when I feel like giving up is going to be, “Just do one thing,” As Lao Tzu has said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

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