Journey Travel

Kruising in Kreuzberg

Since I’ve been in Berlin, it has been a bit nippy for the month of May. I was hoping for warmth and sunshine. On the other hand, I shouldn’t complain because I’m where I wanted to be – in Europe and in Berlin.

As I was leaving my language class, the sun was shining bright on a crisp cold day. I was supposed to meet my date in Kreuzberg later that afternoon. So, I hopped on the train and got to Kottbusser Tor in no time. 

Kottbusser Station: Admiralbrücke to Prinzenstraße

As you descend the platform, the area around the station doesn’t seem as impressive. As the saying goes, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” that statement fits perfectly for Kreuzberg. It was a neighborhood full of Turkish immigrants and cheap rents but since the past few years this area has gone through a major gentrification.

As I walked few blocks from the station via the Admiralstraße to the Admiralbrücke (Admiral Bridge), you can get an idea why this neighborhood which has the Landwehr Canal, or Landwehrkanal in German (which is a 10.7-kilometre long canal parallel to the Spree river was built between 1845 and 1850 according to plans by Peter Joseph Lenné) streaming through it with green lushness surrounding has led to cute cafes opening up around the canal. It’s nearly impossible to find an apartment near the canal or the Spree River in Kreuzberg, which is a fairly spread out neighborhood. 

I met my date at Ahorn Cafe. The restaurant was pretty jam packed but I got a table which overlooked the entire restaurant as well as able to see greenery outside. I had the yummy hot chocolate with carrot hazelnut cake. The highlight of that afternoon was definitely this cool neighborhood and the view from the cafe rather than the date itself. After my date, I ended up walking through the canal to Prinzenstraße, another beautiful part of Kreuzberg. 

I sat among the ducks to enjoy nature and soak in the beauty around me. The union of nature, water, birds and urban life is what makes this area so cool. I’m sure the old locals don’t like their yuppie neighbors who have made everything so expensive around them that they have to end up leaving. Something similar has been happening for a decade in San Francisco.

I crossed the bridge to walk through the Turkish street market. You will find here Turkish food staples, fruits, fresh vegetables, cheese, treats, beautiful fabrics and handmade items. I wanted to buy few items but I had to resist the temptation. May be I can buy them if I end up moving here. I convinced myself that the next trip around Europe will be all about shopping knick knacks. 

I could have easily walked to my next destination but I was getting too tired from all the walking and exploring, so I hopped on the train and got to Südstern for my next date with an Opera Conductor. The perks of having a unlimited rides monthly transit pass.


I have to say that this is one of my favorite areas of Kreuzberg. It has a beautiful neo-gothic cathedral near the train station and nearly six to seven streets intersect here. Each of these streets are lined with cafes and restaurants. Feels more like a small town where you would know everyone. The special charm is the architectural style of the buildings. A nice leisurely stroll from the Spree river, Admiralstraße and Kottbusser, can lead you to Südstern.

We met at a cozy Italian restaurant near the train station. A glass of wine ended up with a yummy penne pasta dinner. I enjoyed our conversations and watching people walk by. After our dinner, we walked through the garden which led to the apartment.

I got to check out the really cool ceramic fireplace, antiques and the sun room. After we bid farewell, I walked few blocks to explore the neighborhood. Since it was getting dark, I didn’t explore the huge cemetery. I guess we can leave the dead ones alone for now. 

It was time to head back home after an eventful Kreuzberg exploration. There is so much more that I’ve not explored yet but it can wait for another opportunity 😉 

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