Journey Lifestyle

It’s official, Yogi in the Making

The Universe and the Number 88 angels guided me to come to Goa to learn yoga 🧘‍♂️ which has so far been an amazing roller coaster joyful journey. 

In the past, I had struggled to do a single headstand. I couldn’t even lift my legs up the ground with the fear that I’ll fall. With help and encouragement from my friend Nikki, I am now able to do headstands by myself with a little support of a wall. I’m confident that with a lot of practice in the next few weeks and as my core gets stronger, I’ll be able to do it without the assistance of a wall. 

The yoga teachings of asana, meditation, pranayama, connecting within yourself, and living a balanced life will stay with me forever, and will continue to help me grow and learn for the months and years to come. The beauty about writing this blog is that I can’t hide away and give up.

The finalé – second part of my yoga training was the written exam to test my knowledge about what I had learnt in the past few weeks. It has been ages since I had given a written exam but the last minute studying paid off. The exam was easy peasy from what’s yoga, different pranayama techniques, guidelines and tools for teaching, chakra system, …. So, it was no surprise that I passed with flying colors. 

Next, we had a very beautiful Yoga Teacher Certification ceremony. Lot of sharing, love, laughter and tears. One of the teachers announced that there was a best student yogi in the house, had no idea that this yoga teacher training was a competition. Yoga for me is about letting go my ego and the competitive mindset. For me every student in that room, in all shapes, sizes and color, was a yogi. 

Can’t believe this month is coming to an end. I have learned so much in a very short time. I am going to miss all my new friends and teachers. I hope we will stay in touch and share the love. 

It was time to head to the beach and celebrate a major milestone in my life. I tried to stay in the shade but the darn sun sneaked up on me and got a painful sunburn. Had a flavorful cocktail with cheese pakoras and garlic naan at the Riverside Inn with my friend Aureille. So happy that Nikki stopped by to say goodbye.

I’ve no idea what I’ll be learning for the month of March. I’m letting the Universe conspire and make that decision for me. I’m sure whatever it is going to be, it’s going to be one heck of a time just like Fierce February.

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