Journey Travel

Is Aix-en-Provence a must visit?

Since Aix-en-Provence is just an hour train ride from Marseille, there is no way, I would have missed this much talked about town. Don’t make the mistake of getting the Aix-en-Provence TGV ticket from the vending machines because that’s not the same even if that’s the first option that pops up when you do a destination search. Well, that’s what I ended up doing and then realized that it was the wrong one, once I saw that it was a 15-minute journey on the ticket. I had to go through the hassle of waiting in line and getting it changed with the ticketing agent. So, I ended up missing the train and had to wait for 30 minutes for the next one.

Lesson learned – Take your time and don’t rush. If in doubt, ask someone. If you make a mistake, just have patience and rectify the mistake. Laughter is the best way to cope with frustrations.

The train ride was very pleasant and along the way I got to see some beautiful colorful Poppy fields.

From the train station, I headed towards the center of the town. After being to so many small and quaint Southern French towns, I felt the same vibe over here as well. I always enjoy walking through the narrow streets and stumbling into art galleries and boutiques to discover interesting pieces which might inspires me. Talking with the owners and artist is always the best part of the experience.

It was lunch time but the creative display of pastries and cakes at “Segond Patisserie” lured me in. I ended up having the decadent hot chocolate with the scrumptious pistachio cake. Yum 😋

After a fix to my sweet tooth, I wandered through the town admiring the architecture and courtyards, and as I was relaxing by the fountain, the dating app popped up with a nearby match, so we ended up meeting …. I’ve a love-hate relationship with technology. When in a new town, it does help break the ice.

Later, I ventured through the town in the footsteps of Cezanne, and was led to the “Pavillon De Vendôme.” Seeing little Cezanne creating their masterpiece at the Pavillon made me happy. I stayed in the gardens for quite some while, soaking in the serenity and beauty around me.

It was about time I had a “real” meal, so I found a cafe to have a panini with a glass of Chardonnay. The weather was perfect to sit outside in the shade, watch people and enjoy my meal.

There is so much to do here but I wanted today to be an easy day with less walking and spending my time at each places soaking in every moment. Like sitting in a park for hours or having lunch like the locals, who knows how to savor every morsel, watch passers by and have a hearty laugh.

As I was on my way back to the train station, I came across a beautiful church and went inside to spend some time in the company of Jesus.

Later, I saw a sign that said local artist exhibition, so I headed that way to check it out. To access the exhibit you’ve to pass through a beautiful courtyard, which was a bonus. Each of the paintings inspired me to bring my creativity out as well. Kudos to all the artists out there who are following their passion.

My final take on this city is that it didn’t disappoint me. I did enjoy my time here. I wish I was staying here longer but there is always a next time. If art, architecture, food and wine, is your jam then you will enjoy this quaint town. I hear there are also lot of hiking options nearby. Yay!!! 🧗🏽‍♂️

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