Inspiration Journey Travel

Heaven to Earth Journey in Bali

I came to Ubud to take a workshop with Peter Caughey to learn about Qigong and the flow of Qi – energy from heaven to earth to create an ever-increasing life force within myself. This 4 day intense 9 to 5 workshop was exactly what I needed to challenge myself to “let go and let flow.” 

With my Qigong Guru – Peter Caughey

I am so glad that I chose Bali because it’s a perfect setup for a spiritual journey due to it’s magical temples, nature’s bounty, and happy spirit of the locals.

While I have just scratched the surface, I feel that I have learned so much in such a short timeframe by connecting Heaven Qi or the energy outside of the body and the energy or Qi from the Earth. There are still a lot of concepts I would like to research and explore. We did a lot of exercises to activate our energy meridians, connect with nature and balance the yin-yang energy.

My favorite part of the workshop was when we did energy healing on each other at the end of the day. The “oneness” I felt was mind blowing and being able to see the energy field of others even for split seconds, has motivated me to continue to learn and practice this skill every day, so that I can heal myself as well as others.

Meeting likeminded people from all over the world at the workshop and hearing their stories was so uplifting. I wish it was a longer workshop because four days did fly by so fast. 

Mary, Jennifer and myself decided to meet for dinner at Clear Cafe to celebrate, share our experience and learn more about each other. 

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