Journey Travel

Euro Pride in Vienna

I had no expectation from Vienna except I’ll be here for a month learning German and over the weekends travel to nearby countries.

I’m getting accustomed to the whole process of finding an apartment, feeling awkward for few days in a new city and hoping for a friendly and nice roommate. Yes, Change is never easy but as Buddha might say, “Water is constantly flowing and such is life, change is inevitable and happiness comes from within. Not from things or people but from within.” This time around I’m just going with the flow and making my own fun.

I did get to Wien at a perfect time, it was the week of Euro Pride. Love coincidences. The whole town was painted in rainbow from local shops, town hall to the buses and trains. The energy was very welcoming and it felt great to be here during this amazing moment.

Having been to so many parades I have to say that this one was the best because there were no barricades and people had the option to join in the parade. It was not like an exclusive club where only the cool kids are allowed to be on the float and parade, which happens in most of the cities. May be people here respect the boundaries and doesn’t cause mayhem. After cheering some of the floats, I decided to join in the parade to a float with amazing music and dance with strangers. That’s what Pride should be about inclusiveness, love and lots of fun. 

After the parade, I stopped by the Rathaus Pride Village, to checkout the scene there. It did remind me of the vibe in the San Francisco Civic Center on Pride day. Didn’t stay longer because I was exhausted from being in the sun for hours. 

Went home to relax and have a power nap so I could go to the Pride Circus After Party which was at Prater Dome.

I have not been to a circuit party for a very long time but I’m glad that I went to this one. So many rooms both indoor and outdoor with different vibe, lighting and music. It was fun dancing for hours until I was exhausted and couldn’t be around smokers anymore. I couldn’t believe that it was nearly 3am. Hoped in a Uber and got home in 10 mins. Jumped into the hot shower to get rid of the smoke smell from my body. Made sure to drink a lot of water before going to bed so that my body can flush out all the toxins and I don’t get sick again.

What a day!!!

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