Inspiration Journey Travel

Conquer Fear – Swim with Turtles

Three days were more than enough in Amed and I realized that a slow beach life with not much to do is just not my jam. 

I hopped onto the speedboat from Amed to Gili Air, and this 2 hour bumpy ride was like a worst nightmare that didn’t seem to end. I was so happy to be back on land. 

Gili Air turned out to be exactly the beach island that I preferred – filled with friendly locals, nice restaurants, easy to explore and a bit exciting but not overrun by party owls. 

Since there are no cars allowed on Gili Air but only horse carts and bicycles, makes it the perfect place to relax and walk around without worrying about scooters and cars. Sadly, the horses are not treated well here. 

I decided to stay at H2O Yoga and Meditation center because they had simple cozy bungalows with private open bathrooms, yummy breakfast, and aqua yoga classes. Also, this place is far away from the mosque loud speakers, which meant that I would not wake up at 4am when they announce the call for prayer. 

Full Moon Meditation –

On the first night, I did full moon meditation at the center and, oh boy, I had a really good sleep. 

Bollywood Magic – 

People in Bali love their Bollywood music and movies. Wherever I was on the island, I would hear the Bollywood music being played by the locals on their mobile phones. When I told people that I’m Indian, the first thing they would say is “Shah Rukh Khan.” He is a Bollywood Superstar and admired by billions. 

Aqua Yoga – 

I always wanted to try Aqua yoga and just before leaving Gili Air, the center was having an aqua yoga class, so I decided to give it a try. It was better than I had expected. Would love to do that more often and teach others when I get back to California. 

Facing Fear in the Sea – 

Went to snorkeling in the Sea and saw lot of fishes and turtles. Never seen such big turtles so up close which made it worthwhile putting my fear aside of being in the middle of the sea. 

Talking about “FEAR,” I’ve to confess that I was afraid of being in the middle of the sea when the sun was shining bright for two reasons, one – Holding my breath under water for a long time or when water would go in my snorkeling gear, and two – getting sun burned. Well, salty water did get inside my snorkeling gear and I made sure to not panic, which is what I would have normally done. I focused on my breath, removed the water from the snorkeling mask and tried it again. My boat captain recommended that I use a life vest because the waves were getting stronger, which really helped me swim with ease without worrying about getting drowned. The only mistake I had made was having a heavy breakfast which was making me nauseated during snorkeling. I did see two big turtles at Gili M and Gili T, which is a huge plus for me in my book. 

After snorkeling, I headed back to my hotel to relax and refresh. 

Gorgeous Sunset –

I left around 5ish to watch the sunset. Sunset is definitely my favorite time on the beach without worrying about getting sun burned. Also, the cool breeze on this island makes the heat more bearable.

I had a really yummy “pizza” for dinner on the beach while watching the sunset. 

The Pink Boat –
Isn’t it fabulous 🙂

Starry Night –
On my last night, I looked up in the black sky and, all I could see were, a lot of shimmering stars. It surely was a magical night! This is the best my iPhone could capture. How many can you spot?

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