Journey Travel

Coming to Magical Bali

Thanks to my friend Aaron who suggested that I learn Qigong under Peter Caughey in Bali. I had no idea what Qigong was until I did some research. Qigong is an ancient Chinese exercise and healing technique where one can acquire the skill or mastery of working with vital energy. I was super excited to learn more techniques about Qi (pronounced Chi) energy flow to incorporate into my daily practice of yoga and meditation. This felt like a right calling, so I booked Peter’s “Heaven to Earth Qigong Workshop” at Radiantly Alive in Ubud, Bali. 

I took the overnight flight from Mumbai to Bali airport with a stopover in Kuala Lumpur. I hate taking overnight flights because it disturbs my sleep pattern but this was the cheapest option of getting from India to Indonesia, so I had no choice but to suck it up. After 11 hours of journey, I finally got to Bali airport but it took me over an hour just to get out of the airport with long lines at customs. It was so hot and I was a bit frustrated of being on this long flight without getting any sleep, and I was amazed about how inefficient the process was at the airport. I tried to calm myself imagining the scenes of rice fields from the movie “Eat, Pray, Love.”

Based on suggestions from TripAdvisor, I headed to the ATM outside the exit gate to withdraw the local currency. The first ATM declined my card but the ATM from a different bank cross the hallway worked just fine, it was a huge relief and I was back in business. 

I met my driver, who I had arranged through my homestay, at the arrival gate, which definitely made my life easier. 

The drive from the airport to Ubud took nearly 2 hours and I did doze off half of the way inspite of the sun shining bright over my face. I finally arrived at “Shana’s Homestay.” 

Meena welcomed me into her beautiful Balinese ancestral home. The entrance to her home looked more like a temple entrance with stone carvings and Ganesha’s idol. Inside the compound they also have a beautiful temple area for praying and worshiping. I got to meet her family and mother-in-law. Everyone were so loving and humble, especially Meena who took good care of me, from making sure to have breakfast ready for me early mornings and teaching me basic Balinese Indonesian language. 

My room with en-suite bathroom was very basic but I had a comfy bed and a working air-conditioner, which was ideal when it is 80 degrees heat wave outside. Outside my room, was a lounge area where I could have breakfast in the morning surrounded by lot of greenery, colorful flowers and birds chirping. I couldn’t believe that I was paying next to nothing to stay in this peaceful home in the center of Ubud. As I would step outside the homestay, I was surrounded by cool cafes, restaurants and boutiques. 

What really fascinated me is the religious spirit of the Balinese people. Every day they make food and flower offerings to the spirits and Gods. Outside every home you’ll notice these offerings on the ground. It makes this city so spiritual and magical. 

On my first night, I had a delicious 3-course meal to celebrate my visit to Bali while watching people pass by.

I’ve to say that there is something special about being in Ubud and I’m so glad that I chose to come to Bali, Indonesia.

I’m overjoyed with excitement because there is so much to learn and explore while I’m here.

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