Journey Travel

Celebrating Friendships over Dessert in Vienna

I’ve been on the road for a very long time so when I heard that my friend Sonia, who I met during my yoga training in India, was supposed to be in Vienna, I was super excited to see a familiar face. Being social creatures, I suppose, it’s in our DNA, to nurture the human bond.

We met for dinner, drinks and dessert by the Danube River where her ship was docked. We shared stories and where we have been since March. I just love her positive outlook in any situation, which is the way I want to live my life as well. She inspired me in so many ways and I’m so grateful that the Universe conspired for us to meet. 

Without some of my close friends and family in San Francisco, Chicago, Amsterdam, Mumbai and London, this journey would have not been so easy. They are always there to uplift me during moments when I’m not doing great or available to chat like old times and have hearty laughs. With distance someone have disappeared, whereas others have just much more to be closer. I’m truly grateful for having loving friends in my life. You guys are my rock. You know who you are 🙂 

What better way to celebrate my new and old friendships, than highlighting some of the best dessert places in Vienna.  

The Original Sacher Torte at Hotel Sacher 

Sacher Torte and Hazelnut Cake at Demel 

Chocolate Mousse Cake at Gerstner Garden 

Hot Chocolate, Mango Cheesecake and Apfelstruddle with my friend Yuri at Cafe Museum based on the original recipe, created for the Schönbrunn Palace. 

Arabian Nights (coconut, vanilla, cardamom, chocolate and pistachios) vegan ice cream at Veganista 

I’ll have to go on a “sugar free” diet when I’m back home, until then I can pack some meat on me 😂

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