Journey Travel

Blissful Courtyards of Vienna

I’m back in Vienna after a fabulous weekend getaway to Budapest, and continuing on my beginner German language course. Since the class is only taught in German with no English explanation, I am a bit struggling to keep up with the class pace. Hopefully by the end of this course, I should be able to have basic conversations. Keeping fingers crossed 🤞. After class and homework, I usually have couple of hours in the evening to either do something or nothing. 

Today, I decided to veer off the main touristy streets in the city center and explore the side streets where the real magic happens. 

I discovered some beautiful courtyards which I would have never encountered if I stayed on the touristic path. That’s the beauty of not following the herd. These courtyards are part of residential buildings but on the ground floor, they might house a hair salon, art gallery, doctors practice, or a fashion designer.

As I was walking, I was drawn in to visit an art gallery because of its cool display of art pieces. The owner, Michaela Hitzenberger of Kunsthandel, was super friendly and inviting. We chatted for nearly an hour about her time in Chicago as an intern at the FBOP bank and how she would love to go to the Art Institute. Her childhood dream was to run an art gallery but she was not able to go in that direction due to her Father. But ten years ago she took a leap of faith and opened up the art gallery. It’s so inspiring to meet small business entrepreneurs who have the courage to follow their passion. 

The window displays of each store on these streets were very fascinating.

Later, I wandered off to narrow streets and found a big rock under a tree where I could sit and enjoy my company. Every day I am loving more and more about taking time to do nothing. Being present in the “now” moment and observing my thoughts and feelings. Today I felt so calm and in sync with nature. During those moments, I felt pure bliss and happiness. I assume that’s what being in union with your inner self is all about. Now, I just need to have a practice or discipline to experience these moments more frequently. 

Coincidently, today I started following the teachings of Patanjali sutra, which my yoga teacher, Yogesh, has started on his WhatsApp group. 

Sutra 1.1 talks about – Yoga is inner discipline of present moment. 

To put this sutra into practice, I will have to do the following, (1) Every hour or as many times I can, have to check if I am present in the current moment. (2) Observe when I’m alone what I want to do, how I feel and my thoughts. (3) Adopt one of the practice to cultivate the discipline and try to do it everyday, at the same time and when I miss this practice, find out what excuse or obstacles made me not do it. Did I have a genuine reason or was my mind playing with me to avoid not doing the practice.

I’m very excited because having a regular discipline of meditating for 30 mins before going to bed and when I wake up would be ideal. So, that’s the discipline I plan to cultivate. 

Click Play to hear the Violinist

As I was walking towards Karlsplatz to catch my bus back home, I heard beautiful melodies a young Mozart was playing on his violin. I found a seat nearby on a bench and spent sometime just enjoying my present moment. That’s a pro of being in Vienna, you can hear great music everywhere.

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