
Blessing in Disguise

Just as I was getting over my emotional roller coaster and used to the 12 hour intensive day, 6 days a week, I got sick.

Sadly, it happened on a Saturday, so instead of enjoying my weekend, I had to spend it indoors in bed. I am positive that I had eaten something for lunch that made me sick or it was from the energy sharing class. Either way, I was not myself. 

As I lay in bed with a splitting headache and stomach cramps, I was so hoping to be back home and in my bed. I was cursing for putting myself through this experience. Gratefully, couple of my friends checked up on me. After two days of being by myself and isolated, I realized that this is what my body needed. A day of complete rest in spite the pain and discomfort. 

Super Moon

I woke up Monday around 6am feeling much better but still very weak. I hate missing even one class but I had to listen to my body. I stayed in bed instead of doing my morning yoga practice. I had to put my competitive attitude and ego on the side. Normally, I would have pushed myself and gone to the class, which would have meant a longer recovery time. This time I was “aware,” and listened to the clues that my body was sending me. I am so happy that I didn’t let my ego win. 

The entire day, I was more of an observer than a participant. One of the teachers said it wisely, “Better to be present than not be present.” 

May be this is a blessing in disguise. Since, exams are around the corner, I have to reserve all my energy, so that I can lead a great yoga class and pass the theory part as well. Time to relax, unwind and get a lot of rest over a cup of ginger tea ☕️

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