Journey Travel

Best Moments in Vienna Ringstraße

Having spent nearly a month in Wien, I have to say that it’s a beautiful city to visit but not somewhere I can live. I did meet some good people but my impression about the Austrians is that they are just not that friendly. My host family wouldn’t even respond when I would say “Good Morning” nor were they hospitable. A bit of reserved and stuck up attitude is what I felt from the locals as well. Also, they are heavy smokers, so that’s a double downer.

On the positive note, there’s a lot to do in the Inner Ring, a semicircular grand boulevard, which encircles the center of the city. There are majestic and historical buildings, museums, art galleries, churches, luxurious hotels, parks, cafes, theatre and opera houses, and shopping district.

Some of my highlights from being in Wien….

St. Stephen’s Cathedral on Stephansplatzis simply stunning and the best part is the glazed ceramic roof tiles which is visible from far and near. I visited the church couple of times, it’s a perfect sanctuary in the center of the city.

The Kärntnerstrasse, stretching from the Opera house to St. Stephen’s Cathedral, is where a lot of designer labels, restaurants and cafes can be found. 

Being a city of highly qualified musicians and performers, the Street Musicians are the ones that make this city such a lively experience. Sometimes you can be surprised by professional city bands performing in the city center.

Walking through the Art Gallery District was my favorite pass time, as it always inspired me to use my creative side.

The Sky Box Lounge is the perfect place to have a nice brunch while admiring the roof view of the buildings in the city center, which is what I did on the last day to celebrate my one month of learning in this beautiful city.

Wandering through the city center and getting lost….

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