
Anjali is Missing

An adorable street puppy 🐕 started coming to the shala (school) every day. All the girls have been in love with her. They have named her Anjali. My friend, Nikki, wanted to adopt her and take her back to Holland, but the process would have taken months, so she and others reached out to couple of local dog shelters to see if she can be taken in.

Then there is my friend, Ally, she has been feeding all the stray cats and dogs at the shala. In fact, she had named the cute puppy, Anajali, as the name means “diving offering.” Anjali was a divine offering to all of us here to learn yoga. She follows Ally wherever she goes. She came today morning to the Shala but the teacher didn’t like that she was distracting the class, so he picked her up and put her out of the school gates. Since then Anjali has not returned back to the shala. While Anjali was MIA, the girls have been busy trying to find a shelter that would take her in. 

Anjali didn’t return back to the shala that night. We couldn’t find her anywhere. Anjali was missing and no where to be found. Everyone were worried and hoping that the other dogs didn’t harm her. Ally was super stressed. She couldn’t focus at all and didn’t sleep that night.

In the morning, as we were having breakfast, Anjali walked into the shala gates and went directly to Ally’s room. Ally thinks that Anjali might have been hiding all night because of the bigger dogs. Dogs in India are super territorial. If a dog from the nearby streets try to come into their area, they would bark or even attack like crazy. When they are in their own area, they are super chill and love getting attention from people.

While Anjali is giving her unconditional love to all of us and teaching us to do the same, we hope that a good shelter adopt Anjali or Nikki figures out a way to take her back to Holland, which would be sweet deal for the puppy.

Finally, I’m regaining back my energy after being sick. Not 100% yet but feeling much better. No option but to get energized again to prepare for my exams.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed that there is a happy journey for Anjali than the tough street life of Goa. 🙏

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