Inspiration Journey Travel

Life in San Francisco during Covid-19

In Jan 2019, I had embarked on the Joyful Venture around the world and shared with you my highs and lows from this journey. I’ve to say that I’m so grateful that I had listened to the Universe and jumped the ship or else the word “regret” would have been on top of my vocabulary, especially in the current situation we are stuck in, who knows for how long.

A year of traveling can teach you so much and I surely did learn a lot from the various experiences I had undertaken from yoga, meditation, mindfulness, qigong, Tibetan art, Indian Fengshui, snorkeling, languages, sewing, Haka, …. and above all the lifelong friendships I had formed with friends from all over the world. In fact, all this learning has definitely prepared me well to deal with life’s challenges.

After returning back to California, I was hoping 2020 will be the year I can focus on getting a job, build up my savings and pay off my mortgage.
But then the unthinkable happened and a sneaky bug called Coronavirus screwed up my plans by shutting down the entire world. I was so close to getting job offers but it has been five months now and no prospects. I still do believe that the Universe will definitely take care of me, and all I can do is stay positive and put my talents to good use. Honestly, some days are better than others and I agree that we all are in this together.

I’m trying to figure out how I can combine my creativity and healing knowledge to help others through these difficult times so we can come out stronger and compassionate than ever before. This “stay at home” period has definitely forced me to look inwards. I’ve realized that little things can bring so much joy and even having a conversation with friends and family can be so good for my soul.

Since staying on-track has been harder than I had imagined, I’m using different meditation modalities to keep my practice exciting every day. Feel free to send me a message and I would love to teach you different techniques.

There has been so many times I wish I had the freedom to hop on the flight and go somewhere but I’m staying put. Being confined to my 4×4 tiny home has not been ideal so the only way I can still keep on my traveling spirit is by exploring my city.

Today, I just needed a mood uplift, so I decided to venture to San Francisco. I made sure to wear something nice rather than the usual gym shorts and tank top. I packed all the essentials in my backpack – hand sanitizer, paper napkins, water bottle, snacks and mask. I took the BART train while being so cautious to always have my mask on and to not touch anything by keeping my hands in my pockets. Also, I make sure to be in the empty train car. The commute from my place to Embarcadero station is only 15 min but the noise level is so high that having an headset is a must. Listening to music is the only way I can manage the noisy train.

From the Embarcadero station, I headed towards the Ferry building. There were a handful of shops and restaurants open but I was not super hungry so I decided to enjoy the Sun while admiring the view of the Bay bridge. Later, I snacked on the nut mix munchies I had packed. As I started munching, the pigeons and seagulls encircled me. I suppose since the lockdown began, these poor birds who were spoiled by the visitors feeding them, must not getting a decent meal. I tried to avoid them and soon they retired themselves from my company.

After an hour of basking in the sun, I longed to be active, so I left the ferry building and headed towards the Pier, with the agenda to find the shortcut staircase route that will take me to North Beach neighborhood.

Finally, after hiking those steep hills, I was able to find that staircase. I’ve to say that it was worthwhile taking this route because the panoramic views from the top were simply spectacular. I came across an apartment which had a patio that overlooked this beautiful view, and I wondered what will it take for me to be there. A boy can always dream 😉

After a short descend downhill, I was in the North Beach “Little Italy” neighborhood.

Most of the bars and restaurants were open since they had outdoor seating, didn’t look like anyone was obeying the six-feet social distancing rule. I was hungry by now and was able to find a cafe which was not super busy. I had the savory crepe and it was not only delicious but extra special because I’ve not had crepe since the lockdown was out in place.

I was hoping to relax at Washington Park but after seeing how busy it was, I decided to skip this part of my itinerary.

After strolling around the area, I headed towards Embarcadero by taking a different route so I can checkout the architecture of the financial district, which is my favorite pastime. It’s wonderful how old and new co-exist. I always remind myself to look up because the top of a building has a story to tell as well. There was an eerie silence which can be so beautiful unto itself.

Today was all about uplifting my spirits by rekindling the adventurous side and SF made it possible for me while I did make the conscious decision to stay away from the sad and ugly part of San Francisco, so I can avoid the homeless and crazy folks.

I hopped on the train and headed back home by following the same safety precautions as I did earlier. Better to be safe than sorry. This is the normal new, I suppose.

Be safe and Stay strong 😘

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