Journey Travel

Manchester Madness

I’m so glad that I decided to visit Manchester. My impression of it being a grungier, rough and blue collar city was based on a friend’s feedback who had lived here 15 years ago. Manchester has gone through a major revitalization just like most of the cities around the world. Known as the place for industrial revolution and hard working ethics, it’s no surprise that the “working bee” 🐝is it’s symbol and you will see it everywhere around town. 

From the Piccadilly train station, I opted to walk 20 minutes to my hotel in the Medieval Quarter, rather than hopping on the tram, because that’s a great way to get the first impression and true feel of this city. Piccadilly Street was hustling and bustling with people and the market near Piccadilly Gardens was fun to explore. Which merged with the Market Street, a major shopping district, where you can find all the major brands here. I followed the signs to the “Exchange” into the Church street and was led to my hotel which was just around the corner. 

I had no idea that I was staying in the center of the city surrounded by lot of beautiful buildings and various things to do. The Mitre Hotel is an old historical hotel with basic rooms but the best part is the view from my room, which was simply spectacular, overlooking the Manchester Cathedral. After getting settled in, I headed to the Cathedral. 

I’ve to say, that I’m a lucky fella to be greeted by a talented group of Musicians who were rehearsing “Four Seasons” for tonight’s concert at the cathedral. I spent nearly an hour soaking my soul into the melodies elevating myself to a transcontinental stage. Wow! is an understatement. 

I wandered around the church before heading to “The Cafe at the Cathedral” across the street. Had the scrumptious flaky Sultana Scone with clotted cream and jam over a cup of spiced tea. Yum!!! 

Instead of rushing around town, I’ve to say I’m enjoying savoring every present moment. Later, I wandered around town without any plan and ended up outside the town hall where the city was hosting the MIF – “Manchester International Festival.” The African and Asian beats music under the big tent was so captivating that I spent some time there before heading to the food tents to have a paneer wrap and the pistachio rum ice cream.

Later, I headed to the Gay Village near the Canals, to have a drink and check out the scene which was very lively. Of course, the brides have to come here for a merry good ole Bachelorette time. I saw 4 Bachelorette groups in just 15 minutes. That was something! Also, saw a young intoxicated guy having fist fight with his friends. 

I posted the picture of the MIF to my UK friends on WhatsApp and got a message from my Noisily friends, Rich and America, who were in Manchester as well. I headed back to the festival to hangout with them. Surely, we live in a small world. 

After fun times, I headed back to the hotel and passed by a lot of bars and restaurants along the way. In fact, the bar and lounge in the hotel I am staying at was blasting loud music, so I couldn’t fall asleep until 1am, when the club closed. 

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