Inspiration Travel

Lucky Number 88

I just landed in Amsterdam but before I tell you why I’m here, something funny happened at the SFO airport and I have to say that my Angel has been conspiring all along that I go on this journey. 

When I got to the airport, I was directed to counter number 88. I laughed with giddy as I approached the ticket agent. I’ve been seeing the number 88 for the past two years, and often when I’m about to start a new chapter in my life. 

Number 88 is believed to be a sign of new beginnings, fortune, prosperity and good luck. Of course, I felt great because all the doubts I had until now evaporated because I knew that I was on the right path.

I told the ticket agent about the significance of the number 88 and what it meant to me and how grateful I was that he is working this counter. We laughed. He felt lucky to be assigned to counter #88 and allowed me to check in my “few pounds” over the weight limit baggage without paying extra fees. I was like “Yes!”

Next, I headed to the security check and was surprised that I whizzed through it within 5 minutes, in spite of the shortage of TSA staff. May be it was Wednesday or May be it was the positive power of the number 88.


So the first time, I noticed the importance of the number 88 was two years ago, at Siddhi Vinayak temple dedicated to Lord Ganesha in Mumbai, India. Whenever I had obstacles in my life or I needed guidance, I would visit Siddhi Vinayak. This time was no different. I had come at the crossroads in my life, where I was not sure what to make of my life. I closed my eyes to pray and asked Ganesha, to guide me. When I opened my eyes, I saw the number 88 near Ganesha’s idol. 

When I returned back to the States, I started seeing 88 frequently. I guess, Ganesha was guiding me to something which I had no idea about but I had faith and sometimes that’s all you need to keep on moving forward. While I was not planning to get a regular 9 to 5 job, I came across an opportunity not too far from home, so I applied and got the job within a week. I knew it will be a short lived one but Ganesha wanted me to take this step so I could buy my home in California, save some money and be ready for the adventure I’m taking now. Once the home buying goal was accomplished, things at work started to go downhill. I still can’t believe how I kept my sanity working in a lifeless concrete basement which was as cold as Alaska. The last draw, was when my position was moved under a cold, arrogant, control freak and paper pusher Director who resented my transparent “make it happen” attitude and that all my clients loved me. I still remember the days when I dreaded going to work and was about the quit my job when my astrologer emailed me that I should stick around because something new is on its way. I started seeing number 88 all over the town again. May be, it was Ganesha telling me to have faith because he has a bigger picture in mind for me.

Octoberfest with Charu and Gang!

It was early August, when I heard from my friend Charu who currently resides in London. She has been persuading me for months to join her and couple of friends to Octoberfest in Munich. Since my work situation was making me unhealthy, I made a last minute decision to go to Munich. My friend Hubi was kind enough to host me for few days in Munich. While I was on my way to Munich, I saw beautiful pictures of Croatia posted on Facebook by my friend John. I decided to take a few days side trip to Croatia from Munich. I was lucky to get a $100 round trip ticket and a reasonably priced Airbnb studio apartment in Dubrovnik. 


I got to Dubrovnik in the middle of the night. The car I had arranged to pick me up was a story in itself. They drop me off outside the wrong apartment building. With poor WiFi signal and no people at sight, for a split second, I thought I was royally fucked because it was 3am and everything was so dark. I decided to rely on my internal GPS. I crossed the street and started walked downhill when I suddenly noticed the building number. Voila! I had found the right building in the middle of the night in a foreign country. I was so proud of myself. 

I picked up the keys from the hidden lockbox and self checked into the apartment, which was surprising nicer than the pictures. I was too exhausted to do anything but jump in bed and fall sleep. 

I was hoping to get at least 7 hours of sleep but after 4 hours of sleep, the morning street traffic noise woke me up. I opened the door to the balcony and was greeted by sunny blue sky, cool breeze and beautiful scenic mountain views which at night seemed to be as dark as tar. After seeing this, how could I go back to bed?

I took a hot steamy shower, got ready and headed to old town for breakfast. As I crossed the bridge, I felt I was being transported to an ancient world but then suddenly, hordes of tourist invaded the city, just like pirates, and they ruined it all. 

I tried to escape the tourists by cross crossing the narrow streets until I found a less crowded quiet area behind a church which had a small cafe tucked in a corner. I grabbed a table overlooking the church and admired its beauty while sipping on hot chocolate and savoring on the yummy sweet cheese croissant. 

And then my eyes met someone else’s, it was Mr. Marc from the Netherlands.

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  • Jerry
    January 27, 2019 at 8:38 pm

    Lucky number 88! A good start to a wonderful adventure. Enjoy.